# Design Communication
This module imparts essential competencies for proficiently conveying architectural design, with a focus on visualizing and expressing spatial concepts through drawings. It incorporates a combination of freehand and structured drawing exercises conducted in both outdoor and studio settings. The teaching methodology encompasses lectures and tutorials, providing a comprehensive learning experience. The delivery format integrates in-person interactions with online learning through MyTIMES. Evaluation includes a solo assignment with a summative component.
In this project, we pay tribute to renowned architects, often called 'starchitects,' who inspire architecture students globally with their iconic designs. The assignment aims to emulate the captivating shapes, adherence to principles, and skillful play of light and shadow seen in the works of these architects. Students will focus on developing coloring skills using watercolor or any suitable medium and selecting an appropriate color palette to convey the essence and genre of a film. The tasks involve conducting background research, sketching the initial poster idea on A4 paper, creating the final drawing on A3-size paper, and applying color to bring the artwork to life. This project provides an opportunity for students to appreciate and express their creativity while paying homage to the masterpieces of these influential architects.
Initial sketch for the poster
Final Outcome